CEASIOM framework, stands for Computerised Environment for Aircraft Synthesis and Integrated Optimisation Methods, is the outcome of EU PF6 Project SimSAC, it aims on the conceptual-preliminary design stage, and focusing on bringing the S & C earlier into the design.
Here is a design story carried out by CEASIOM.
Some studies done by Airinnova using CEASIOM Suite are shown here.
1. Aerodynamic optimization:
A blended-wing-body configuration proposed by EU project MOB is supposed to cruise in transonic speed with cruise CL = 0.3. The original geometry was provided by German Aerospace Center (DLR) and it has significant shock waves. The optimized design has a drag reduction by around 45% for a trimmed flight with the constraints on (1) CL = 0.3 (2) fixed planform (3) preserved wing volume in the central part.
2. Computational aerodynamics
3. MIT D8 “double bubble” aircraft
“Fast” CFD for aircraft conceptual-preliminary design: Airinnova deliveries “fast” CFDs for various cases in a short time with high reliability:
- from non-meshable wireframe model to high-fidelity computational results;
- from standard CAD model to high-fidelity computational results and flight stability analysis