Airinnova has established strategic partnerships with universities and companies within and outside of Europe.
The PDC Center for High Performance Computing at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology provides leading HPC services to Swedish academia as part of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) as well as internationally via the PRACE infrastructure. Those services include supercomputing and storage resources plus assistance from a range of application experts. PDC is also involved with various national and international projects and research centers.
CFS Engineering is a Societe Anonyme (SA) founded in 1999 and located in the Innovation Park of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology In Lausanne. The mission of CFS Engineering is to offer services in the numerical simulation of fluid mechanics and structural mechanics engineering problems. CFS is a typical company providing innovative services to real and Extended Virtual Enterprises.
The Swedish Aeronautical Institute was founded in February 2016, modelled after other international private research institutes. It is registered as a limited company (AB) under the Swedish limited companies act. Operations are focused on three areas: Research-, education- and consulting work in aeronautics. The main objective is to maintain and develop the safety in the air transport system, while providing environmentally and economically sound solutions.